Trinity County Historical Society
PO Box 333, Weaverville, CA 96093
530-623-5211 • Fax 530-623-5053
Board of Directors
President: Bettina Blackwell
Vice President: Gene Goodyear
Secretary-Treasurer: Jane Draper
Elected Members: Howard Covington, Gay Berrien, Jim Cetina, Deanna DeAntoni, Ron Martin
Members-at-Large: Beverly Everest, Irl Everest, Rich Lorenz, Rod Plew, MaryEllen Grigsby
(Active Past Presidents)
Museum Directors
Park/Grounds Director: Rod Plew
Museum Director: Dero ForslundOther Museum Staff
History Center Manager: Rich Lorenz
Accessions: Rich Lorenz, Irl Everest, Deanna DeAntoniBookkeeper: Beverly Everest
Recording Secretary: Sheila Brewer
Receptionists: Cherri Bujol, Becky Savage, Debbie Koeppen
What We Do
Caretaking History
Trinity County history should be preserved forever, and it is the mission of the Trinity County Historical Society to do just that. We need your help! Our current funding sources cannot be relied upon to provide an assured, dependable income from year to year. For that reason, the board of directors has created an endowment fund. We have, of necessity, started small with a goal of reinvesting and adding to the endowment until it can provide sufficient income. The principal will not be touched unless there is an emergency. Please remember us when you are doing tax or estate planning, or when you want to make memorial donations. Contributions can be made to the Trinity County Historical Society Endowment Fund either at the museum or at PO Box 333, Weaverville, CA 96093 or by calling the museum at (530) 623-5211.