of Trinity History



Original list extrapolated from Trinity County Chronology, a manuscript created from Tom Ludden's 1970 Weaverville Elementary School summer school classes, grades 5 through 8, these dates shown with an asterisk (*). Additional dates added and information confirmed where possible.


6000+ years ago (4000 BC) - American Indians occupy villages in what was later to be Trinity County.

1828 - April-May.  Jedediah Smith Party ventures through southern Trinity up through area near Hyampom and Burnt Ranch.

1830s - Possibly a few Euro-american trappers, traders, and/or explorers in area

1842 - English pirates said to have found gold on Trinity River at Sailor's Bar.*

1845 - May.  Major Pierson Reading names Trinity River while trapping.*

1846 - Company of United States soldiers, out of San Francisco, camp near Lewiston. Trinity River dry with exception of occasional pools.*

1847-49 - Two men, apparently Americans, said to have panned gold dust on Trinity River below Junction City.*

1848 - Discovery of gold at Readings Creek by Pierson Reading.

1849 - Josiah Gregg-L.K. Wood Party leaves Rich Bar gold mines to find trail to coast, to start supply route from coast. Party names Mad, Eel, and Van Duzen rivers.

1849 - Major gold find at Big Bar on Trinity River.*

1849 - First settler.  French-Canadian named Gross discovers rich strike on North Fork above Helena.  First log cabin in county.*

1849 - Settlements established in Big Bar/Big Flat area.

1850 - Spring.  Resulting from Gregg-Wood Party efforts, ships such as Laura Virginia use Humboldt and Trinidad bays, establishing trade centers and beginning use of travel routes in to Trinity gold mines, earliest destination being towns of Big Flat and Big Bar along Trinity River.

1850 - Mrs. Walton reputed to be first white woman and lady miner in Trinity County. Big Bar area.*

1850 - Feb. 18.  Trinity created as one of original twenty-seven California counties.  8,368 square miles included present counties of Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte, and part of Siskiyou.

1850 - Summer. Founding of Weaverville, California.  Named after a Mr. Weaver.  Cabin built on site of courthouse.

1850 - Sept. 9.  California admitted to the Union.*

1850 - Nov. Hayfork Valley discovered by John Duncan party while in pursuit of a small band of Indians.*

1850 - Post offices at Big Bar and Weaverville. Mail carried by mule over rough trails.*

1850s - Kanaka Bar established.  Became Douglas City in 1859 during the time Stephen A. Douglas was running against Abraham Lincoln for the Senate.*

1851 - First settlement in Hayfork Valley:  Kingsberry, then Hay Town (1854); now Hayfork.*

1851 - Trinity Centre (Trinity Center) founded.  Canyon City, below Dedrick, on Canyon Creek, settled.  Mill Town (Junction City) at mouth of Canyon Creek with saw mill established.*

1851 - Discovery of New River by gold miners.

1851 - May. Weaverville victorious over Union Town (Arcata) in election to select county seat.  

1851 - First sermon preached in Trinity County (Methodist), Reverend Mr. Hill.*

1852 - Mrs. Henrietta Ewing first white woman to settle in Hayfork Valley.  Second in county.*

1852 - March.  Bridge Gulch Massacre.  John Anderson, Weaverville butcher, killed by Indians on Rush Creek, cattle driven away. Company of Weaverville miners pursue Indians and ambush camp on Upper Hayfork Creek.  153 or more Indians perish, two children survive. (Some conflicting information on the numbers)  

1852 - William Spencer Lowden, 1850 pioneer, builds first mule bridge over Trinity River, near Lewiston.*

1852 - Pacific Brewery built.  Purchased by John Meckel, Sr., in 1878.  Meckel Bros.' beer known throughout west.*

1852 - Major Cox establishes agricultural claim on Trinity River. Later named Cox's Bar.*

1852-53 - Chinese Joss Hose built on Chimney Point in Weaverville.  First permanent house of worship in Trinity County.  Temple of the Clouds and Forest destroyed by fire June 28, 1873.*

1853 - Mar. 7. Disastrous Weaverville fire, $100,000 in damages.  Other big fires in 1855, 1863, early 1870s, 1897, and 1905.*

1853 - May 6.  Charter granted Trinity Lodge No. 27 F&AM.*

1853 - July. Van Matre Ranch located near junction of Stuart Fork and East Fork.*

1853 - First Catholic sermon, preached by Father Florian ("Padre of Paradise Flat").*

1854 - Chinese Tong War fought between two belligerent Chinese Tongs.  2000 participate.  On site of Weaverville Elementary School.*

1854 - Burnt Ranch name established through Indian raid and burning of buildings which made up town.*

1854 - Sept. 16.  Cram, Rogers, and Company established mule passenger train to run daily from Shasta to Weaverville.*

1854 - Dec. 9.  Trinity Times first newspaper published in Trinity County.*

1855 - Jan. 12.  Hiampum (Hyampom) settled by Hank Young.*

1855 - Lotta Crabtree played in Weaverville.*

1855 - August.  Weaverville Democrat first published. Publication ends February 1856.

1856 - Jan. Five Indians executed by a mob, on Trinity River, supposed to have been guilty of stealing mules and horses.*

1856 - Jan. 26. Trinity Journal begins long uninterrupted publication.  Second oldest newspaper in California.*

1856 - Feb.  Public highway declared for Weaverville to Lewiston over new trail (Trinity Journal, February 16, 1859)

1856 - Feb.  License for toll ferry to cross Trinity River at Cox Bar (Trinity Journal, February 9, 1856)

1856 - Apr. Wariner completes toll bridge at Big Flat (Trinity Journal, April 19, 1856)

1856 - Apr. New ferry across Trinity River at Taylor's Flat by W. McCollum (Trinity Journal, April 19, 1856)

1856 - Bartlett and Company establish large tannery at mouth of what is now known as Tannery Gulch.*

1856 - Lewiston School District, first to be formed in Trinity County.*

1856 - First Catholic Church erected on Deadwood Creek.*

1856 - Aug. 29.  North Star Lodge No. 61 IOOF instituted in Weaverville.*

1857 - Toll Ferry given license to cross Trinity River at Cedar Flat.*

1857 - May.  New trail from Canon City to Weaverville (Trinity Journal, May 9, 1857)

1857 - Jul.  First apple grown in Trinity (Trinity Journal, July 15, 1856)

1858 - County courthouse building erected as a store building.  Purchased as a courthouse for $9,000 in 1865.*

1858 - Fordyce Bates elected State Assembly from Trinity County.  Instrumental in securing poll tax funds for road building.*

1858 - Weaverville and Shasta Wagon Road Company (W.S. Lowden and friends) complete toll road between Tower House, Lowden's Ranch, and Weaverville.  April 29, first stage arrived in Weaverville. May 10, first freight teams arrive in Weaverville.*

1858 - June 7.  Telegraph line completed, linking Weaverville, Shasta, Trinity Center, and Yreka.*

1858 - Jun.  Brick yard started at North Fork.  (Trinity Journal, June 5, 1858)

1858-1864 - Indian difficulties encountered by down river (Cox Bar to South Fork), Mad River, and lower Trinity County settlers.  State and Federal governments requested to drive Indians from threatened district.*

1859 - California and Oregon wagon road between Shasta and Yreka built.  Easier access to Trinity Center.*

1859 - Meckel Brothers build and operate brewery at North Fork  (Helena).*  (Trinity Journal, March 12, 1859)

1859 - Weaverville Waterworks established by Chase and Sales.  Water system brings water from Garden Gulch by wooden pipe.*

1859-60 - Wagon roads completed north to Trinity Center and Minersville and south into Hayfork Valley.*

1861-62 - Great flood wipes out flumes and wheels, many miners leave for other areas.*

1862 - Lewiston Joss House, built about 1856, burned. Rebuilt and again destroyed by Chinatown fire in 1882.* (Trinity Journal, May 31, 1862)

1862 - Weaverville said to have 28 saloons and liquor holes, with gambling and fighting being the favorite pastimes.*

1862 - Oct. 18.  Lewiston school house erected as Sons of Temperance Lodge.  School building 1865-1960s.*

1862 - Sept.  New Catholic Church dedicated at Oregon Gulch  (Trinity Journal, September 27, 1862)

1863 - Weaverville Company, "Mountaineer Battalion", 82 men, formed to combat threats of the local "copperhead" population.*

1863 - Oct.  Fire in Weaverville burns Trinity Journal and other buildings (Trinity Journal, October 10, 1863)

1864 - Fort-like fortifications constructed at Hayfork, Burnt Ranch, and Church Creek on Van Duzen to deter the Indians.*

1865 - Mar. 7.  "Last" Indian battle fought near Burnt Ranch, "Win-toons" moved to reservation at Hoopa.*

1865 (?) - Poison Camp (Zenia) settled.*

1866 - Dec.  Another flood hurts Weaver Basin

1867 - Aug.  Portable steam sawmill set up near town of Indian Creek (Trinity Journal, August 17, 1867)

1868 - Feb.  Another flood (Trinity Journal, February 29, 1868)

1868 - Carter House, Hayfork Hotel, established, soon the cultural and social center of the valley.  The building burned in 1906.*

1869 - Apr.  First velocipede arrives.  (Trinity Journal, April 24, 1869)

1869 - May.  Velocipede vs. jackass race (Trinity Journal, May 15, 69)

1869 - Wagon road to Canyon Creek finished (Trinity Journal, July 10, 1869)

1870 - First "giant" brought to Trinity County.  Hydraulic mining begins in county.* At Douglas City.  (Trinity Journal, February 19, 1870)

1870 - Most Indians deposed from Trinity. Settled on reservations at Hoopa, Mendocino, and North Coast.*

1871 - Feb.  Condon House in Weaverville sinks in mine shaft.  (Trinity Journal, Febuary 25, 1871)

1872 - "Little giant" tested, hydraulic mining a success. (Trinity Journal, March 23 & March 30, 1872)

1874 - Apr.  Weaverville Joss House dedicated.  Structure still standing at Chimney Point.* (Trinity Journal, April 18, 1874)

1874 - Apr.  First mineral patent issued in Trinity County.  (Trinity Journal, April 25, 1874)

1874 - Jun.  60 giants in county, more coming.  (Trinity Journal, June 20, 1874)

1875 - Altoona Quicksilver Mining Company takes possession of property having mercury-bearing rock in northeastern Trinity County. First discovery and location made in 1860s.*

1875 - Wagon road completed (Trinity Journal, October 23, 1875)

1876 - Townsite Act passed by Congress, sites of Weaverville and other towns authorized.*  (town patent - Trinity Journal, September 23, 1876)

1877 - May.  Large quartz find made at Deadwood.*

1878 - Weaverville's two-story grammar school built at cost of $5,850.*

1979 - Trinity River frozen over at Lewiston.  (Trinity Journal, January 18, 1879)

1880 (?) - Brown Bear Mine at Deadwood established.* (not sure about 1880 date; article on Brown Bear in Trinity Journal, January 21, 1882)

1880 - Bowerman barn built  (7/10/1880 TJ)

1880 - Sept. 1. First stage robbery in Trinity County. Hold-up on Trinity Mountain nets outlaws $113.*

1881 - Jan.  Hoboken up New River destroyed by flooding. (Trinity Journal, January 22, 1881)

1881 - Nov.  School at Long Ridge destroyed by fire (Trinity Journal, November 19, 1881)

1883 - Feb.  Trinity River frozen at Trinity Center (Trinity Journal, February 10, 1883)

1883 - Dec.  Suspension bridge built across Trinity at Junction City (Trinity Journal, January 5 & March 30, 1884)

1884 - Little towns of New River City (Old Denny), White Rock, and Marysville established in Upper New River with hardrock mining boom that had begun a couple years before.

1887 - Dec.  Tunnel constructed to divert part of Trinity River near Big French Creek. (Trinity Journal, May 14, June 4 & December 17, 1887)

1888 - Oct. 25.  Trinity and Shasta Telegraph and Telephone Company line placed in service.  First connection to outside world by telephone.*

1889 - Mar.  Free suspension bridge completed on Trinity at Junction City.  (Trinity Journal, March 30, 1889)

1889 - Oct. 20.  Congregational Church of Lewiston organized.  Church building still standing.  Dedicated Nov. 1, 1896.*

1889 - Dec.  Weaverville-Redding stage robber Black Bart caught.  (Trinity Journal, December 28, 1889)

1890 - Feb. 3.  China Slide.  A large mass of earth and rock skid into Trinity River canyon, damming up river and creating temporary lake 13 miles long.  Killed three Chinese miners.  (Trinity Journal, February 15, 1890)

1890 - Mar./Apr.  Heavy loss of livestock in southern Trinity due to snow.  (Trinity Journal, April 5, 1890)

1893 - Apr. 8.  Trinity Gold Mining Company purchased by Baron Ernest De La Grange for $250,000.*

1893 - Nov.  Electric lights in Weaverville.  (Trinity Journal, November 25, 1893)

1894 - Apr.  First bicycle in Trinity.  (Trinity Journal, April 28, 1894)

1894 - Oct.  New county hospital built.  (Trinity Journal, October 6, 1894)

1895 - Sept.  Mule bridge at Don Juan Creek completed.  (Trinity Journal, September 7, 1895)

1896 - Jul.  Creamery completed at Hayfork.  (Trinity Journal, July 25, 1896)

1896 - Nov.  Long Ridge School burns.  (Trinity Journal, November 14, 1896)

1898 - World's largest hydraulic mine, La Grange, begins operation.  Water carried 29 miles through a system of flumes, siphons, ditches, and tunnels to the penstocks above the pit on Oregon Mountain.*

1898 - Aug.  First dredge in county, Kise Bros. at Lewiston.  (Trinity Journal, August 17, 1898)

1899 - Concrete walk laid in front of court house.  (Trinity Journal, August 26, 1899)

1901 - July.  First gasoline-powered automobile, owned by R.J. Anderson, visited Weaverville.*

1901 - Jan.  Heaviest snow in years.  Damage.  62" in Weaverville.  (Trinity Journal, January 5 & January 12, 1901)

1902 - Mar.  Course of Trinity changes at Junction City.  Bridge over dry land.  (Trinity Journal, March 15, 1902)

1905 - Apr. 25.  Trinity Forest Reserve established. Changed to Trinity National Forest on March 4, 1907.*

1906 - First hand pump fire engine comes to Weaverville.* (Trinity Journal, April 7, 1906)

1906 - Junction City power plant.  (Trinity Journal, February 3, 1906)

1908 - First milking machine at Hayfork.  (Trinity Journal, May 23, 1908)

1909 - First county high school in Weaverville.  (Trinity Journal, August 21, 1909)

1910 - Most of Harrison Gulch burns.  (Trinity Journal, November 12, 1910)

1912 - Monroe Toll Road finished over South Fork Mountain.  Links Hayfork, Ruth, to coast.*

1914 - May.  First train to Island Mountain.  (Trinity Journal, May 30, 1914)

1917 - U.S. joins in World War I.  Reuben Greenwell reportedly first young Trinity resident to volunteer.

1921 - Sept. 20-22.  First Trinity County Fair held in Hayfork.  Governor Stephens guest speaker.*

1923 - Final stretch of road, Helena to South Fork, completed by convict labor crews.  Opens major route from Trinity to coast.  

1924 - Hayfork-Hyampom Wagon Road finished, many settlers expected.*

1926 - First radio reception in county.*

1929 - First airplane to land in Trinity County.*

1933 - Civilian Conservation Corps program sets up camps in Trinity.

1942 - Government War Order closes all mines in Trinity County.*

1942 - Last of Civilian Conservation Corps camps close in county.

1947 - Six Rivers National Forest established, taking over some of the western portion of Trinity National Forest (Six rivers are Smith, Trinity, Klamath, Van Duzen, Mad, and Eel.)

1954 - Jan. 28.  Trinity County Historical Society founded.  Object, to record history and preserve relics of Trinity County.*

1954 - Trinity and Shasta national forests administered as one forest, Shasta-Trinity National Forest.

1955 - August.  Trinity River Project authorized by U.S. Congress.*

1959 - Trinity Lake begins filling, covering Trinity Center, many ranches, cattle and sheep rangelands.*

1960 - Oct. Trinity Dam topped out.  537 feet high and one-half mile long.*

1968 - June 23.  J.J. "Jake" Jackson Museum and Trinity County Historical Park dedicated in Weaverville.*